Kikki's Workshop The  Coloring Picture Grand Prix Kikki's Workshop
The 6th Coloring Picture Grand Prix
Coloring with an idea stage
The Ultra exciting Prize goes to...

Hartono Subagio
(42 years old)
from Indonesia
The Super exciting Prize goes to..

Takeharu Oshima
(37 years old)
from Osaka pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Tanya Scott
(7 years old)
from USA
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Koutarou Ishii
(6 years old)
from Kagawa pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Yoko Yonemoto
(25 years old)
from Chiba pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Haruko Fuchigami
(32 years old)
from Tochigi pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Yusuke Shimizu
(13 years old)
from Ehime pref.
Children's Stage Super Coloring Stage Coloring with an idea stage
The 6th Coloring Picture Grand Prix