Kikki's Workshop
The Coloring Picture Grand Prix
The 22nd Coloring Picture Grand Prix
Artistic Category Award

Among many great works, those seven pieces were selected! Enjoy viewing top coloring jobs.

Artistic Category Award
Artistic Category Award Gold medal

Gold medal

Yoshiwaka (31 years old)
from Kanagawa Pref.

As I started picturing a dump truck working hard at a rough place, my imagination traveled to an archaeological dig, helping uncover an ancient civilization.

It is a great presentation of discovery of the ancient dump truck. The dump truck here looks like a mysterious vehicle from mythology. The pictorial symbols on the wall inspire us to come up with a story.
Artistic Category Award
Artistic Category Award Silver medal

Silver medal

Uminomira (19 years old)
from Kanagawa Pref.

I don't want to look at dots for a while.

What an accomplishment! The dump truck was brought to life by stippling art. The dark shadow on the ground gives bold presence to the dump truck. Looking at this work online does not do justice to all the effort and the number of dots used to create this piece.

(In random order)

Artistic Category Award
Artistic Category Award Bronze medal

Bronze medal

Ichi (18 years old)
from Niigata Pref.

It is a "cat truck", a combination of a truck and cat.

It looks like a page from a picture book. Its warmness and vivid colors draw viewers into the painting. The articulate dump truck and the cat blend together so well that it really looks like a cat.
Artistic Category Award
Artistic Category Award Bronze medal

Bronze medal

Areaare (20 years old)
from Miyagi Pref.

I was imagining a strong man while I colored this picture. It is about the life of the man who is driving this dump truck.

Is the driver crossing the rainbow colored sea with the dump truck? We can see a bride in the back, heart shaped balloons, and a smiling seagull. Though we can't see the eyes of the driver behind the sunglasses, he must be looking at a bright future from there. Good luck!
Artistic Category Award
Artistic Category Award Bronze medal

Bronze medal

Naraha (13 years old)
from Fukushima Pref.

It is a secret spot in the forest. The big monsters are nice to children first, but then…

The dump truck in the forest provides a nice playground for the children. What is going to happen to them? "But then.."what??? Do we want to know?
Artistic Category Award
Artistic Category Award Bronze medal

Bronze medal

Odajii (19 years old)
from Saitama Pref.

The strange looking creatures around the truck are transportation ghosts. They are enjoying the ride.

How creative to attach felt and string to create a jungle! Some ghost wants to get a ride and others want to eat, be run over, etc. It is such a unique setting!
We admire those challengers who participated this stage.
The Coloring Picture Meister Gallery

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