Kikki's Workshop The  Coloring Picture Grand Prix Kikki's Workshop
The 2nd Coloring Picture Grand Prix
Coloring with an idea stage
The Ultra exciting Prize goes to...

Arata Kaijima
(25 years old)
from Tokyo
The Super exciting Prize goes to..

Melissa Hugo
(10 years old)
from South Africa
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Yukie Shibata(32 years old)
from Ishikawa pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Hiroaki Takeuchi(7 years old)
from Fukui pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Atsushi Hirane(34 years old)
from Ibaragi pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Kouji Nakajima(7 years old)
from Niigata pref.
The Semi exciting Prize goes to..

Rikako Sato(26 years old)
from Tokyo
Children's Stage Super Coloring Stage Coloring with an idea stage
The 2nd Coloring Picture Grand Prix